Huhhhh..i have to wake up at make sure i reach Sime Darby Convention Centre at 7 am...huh..pikir2..alamak..gone le my make things more hurry..i have to travel to Singapore that evening due to some personal matter...So we planned to off from KL at 3 pm
The hunt is only around Klang Valley..oppss lupa nak story about the "team".Me,Nurul,my boss Alinah and my another collague Zihan..wah all girls team..jgn marah..
So we got the second car to flag off..nak buat cerita lps briefing my driver tu sakit they the other car to go off first..aduhhh malu2..
SO the first destination around bukit damansara..then tu hartamas area..then area damansara..then pusing pi Glenmarie ..yehhh our first challenge is at my pervious office (SD Motor Div)..hahah..then duk pusing kat situ punyala lama..setiap lorong ader soalan..gilerr..then after that..pi pusing pi PJ pulak..then ker Bangsar..and after that ending kat SDCC balik..wahhhh so penatt!!!!!!and hungry tak mkn lunch lagi okay...Tp nasib baik hentam nasi lemak pg tadi..
Then we sampai lah kat SDCC around yg agak dlm kategori lambat la...hahaha..then ader second challenge..wahhhh..ingat leh mkn terus..
Lps second chalangge..mkn..then they have the briefing and prize giving ceremony..But unfortunetly i have go off early ..coz i have to drive down to kota singaaaaa..
Serioulsy this is the first time i joined the hunt..wahh soalan dia susah gile..tak terpikir dik otak..giler lah org yg cipta soalan tu..but overall we had fun..a new and exiting experience for me..hahaha
1 comment:
Best nyerrr !
Teringat masa I jadi Incredible Hulk kat Group Treasure Hunt ... he he he.
Semua HR Division join ke or Group HR kat Berhad jer?
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