Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Baby On The Block....

-sorry yana i curi from ur face book...hahahha...-

I received an sms from my ex colleage Eliana last thursday..Dah bersalin ngan selamatnyer........Baby boy..Armaan Darwish ...weight 2.6 kg..

So me and my husband decided to go and visit her after work at we left the office at 6pm and straight to Subang Parade to buy something for a baby...

Then we drove back to for the room and last we got...!!

Such a cute tak sempat ambik gambaq..pasal too many people in the room so the nurse took back the baby to nursery..hmm sayang tak pegang baby..

To my friend Eliana..enjoy you confinment period before you start you work again...

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