Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ole -ole dari Kota Kinabalu

My hubby already back in KL last Saturday.He arrived about 1 pm. Of course me and my mother in law was busy cooking for lunch.

He said it is quit hot and sunny in K.K.around 36-37 celcius everyday..hmm imagine the weather there..Hope one day i can follow him and go jln2 at the Mount Kinabalu..tak larat le nak panjat gunung tu..just pi sana pun cukupler..

My hubby bought me a "kain batik" at the most popular pasar Philipines...and lovely pearl brooch..thank u u so much...hehehe

- Kain batik and brooch from Kota Kinabalu -

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Missing You!!

It has been a week i didn't see my husband...outstation again...i need to admit his work of nature..nak buat mcm mana nak cari rezeki kan...but sometimes i feel we dont really have a good quality time together...furthermore he is working on saturday...there you go the saturday is burn..we cant move anywhere or attending a function on saturday..

But i really happy for him..he seems to enjoy what he is doing now..this mighht be the job he is looking for all this while...more experience and exposure..we believe all this will benefit us in the future.

Think about job and future..we really thinking about venturing into our own business in future..cant think of doing this job until the rest of our life...but all it needs the capital $$$$$ and the knowledge..

Lets hope the best will happen.. and to my hubby come back soon!!!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Baby On The Block....

-sorry yana i curi from ur face book...hahahha...-

I received an sms from my ex colleage Eliana last thursday..Dah bersalin ngan selamatnyer........Baby boy..Armaan Darwish ...weight 2.6 kg..

So me and my husband decided to go and visit her after work at we left the office at 6pm and straight to Subang Parade to buy something for a baby...

Then we drove back to for the room and last we got...!!

Such a cute tak sempat ambik gambaq..pasal too many people in the room so the nurse took back the baby to nursery..hmm sayang tak pegang baby..

To my friend Eliana..enjoy you confinment period before you start you work again...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our Love....

It has been 3 years that i already married to this wonderful man....eventough the "rezeki" anak belum sampai...but our love will grow stronger and stronger... insyallah..

I know him back when i was studying at plus minus...we know each other for the past 7 years..

Such an patient man ...sabaq je....coz i always can get angry easily...i think girls always like that...but then there how the marriage works...give and take...and adapt to each other other weaknesses....

So my dear husband..lets hope the best things will happen to us this year..thanks a alot for you love and companion..